Book Chapters
M. Sun, X. Zhao. "Combinational Logic Circuit Based on BZ Reaction". Advances in Unconventional Computing. Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms. Springer Press.
Selected Journal Publications [18] Z. Wang, H. Zou, Y. Guo, S. Guo, X. Zhao, Y. Wang* and M. Sun*, "Retinal image registration method for myopia development," Medical Image Analysis, vol. 97, p. 103242, 2024. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊) [17] Z. Fu, S. Zhang, L. Zhou, Y. Wang, X. Feng, X. Zhao and M. Sun*, "Zebrafishtracker3D: A 3D skeleton tracking algorithm for multiple zebrafish based on particle matching," ISA Transactions, vol. 151, pp. 363-376, 2024. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊) [16] B. Hu, S. Xu, R. Liu, X. Zhao, and M. Sun*, "An Adaptive Finite-Time Sliding Mode Control for Retinal Vein Micro-Puncture With Silicon Phantom," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 5757 - 5768, 2024. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊) [15] K. Li, H. Gong, J. Qiu, R. Li, Q. Zhao, X. Zhao and M. Sun*, "Robotic Patch Clamp Electrophysiological Signal Measurement in Multiple Brain Regions Based on Brain Slice Registration," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 7287-7297, 2024. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊) [14] L. Li#, C. Wang#, H. Gong, R. Liu, Y. Wang, Q. Zhao, Y. Liu, X. Zhao and M. Sun*, "Automatic High-Throughput Injection System for Zebrafish Larvae Based on Precise Positioning of Injection Target," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 6423-6433, 2024. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊) [13] M. Sun#, Y. Liu#, M. Cui*, Q. Zhao, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, G. Lu and X. Zhao*, "Intracellular Strain Evaluation-Based Oocyte Enucleation and Its Application in Robotic Cloning," Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 73-83, 2023. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊) [12] M. Sun, Y. Yao, X. Zhao, L. Li, H. Gong, J. Qiu, Y. Liu and X. Zhao*, "Precise Aspiration and Positioning Control Based on Dynamic Model Inside and Outside the Micropipette," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 385-393, 2023. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊) [11] YX Xu, SH Zhang, SZ Zhang, MY Yang, X Zhao, MZ Sun*, XZ Feng*. Exposure of zebrafish embryos to sodium propionate disrupts circadian behavior and glucose metabolism-related development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 241, 113791. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊) [10] SH Zhang, ZH Fu, X Zhao, MZ Sun*, XZ Feng*. The masculinization steroid milieu caused by fluorene-9-bisphenol disrupts sex-typical courtship behavior in female zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 246, 114174. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊) [9] M. Sun, Y. Wang, Z. Fu, L. Li, Y. Liu, and X. Zhao*, "A Machine Learning Method for Automated In Vivo Transparent Vessel Segmentation and Identification Based on Blood Flow Characteristics," Microscopy and Microanalysis, pp. 1-14, Apr 7 2022. (SCI,中科院3区) [8] H. Gong, L. Li, J. Qiu, Y. Yao, Y. Liu, M. Cui, X. Zhao and M. Sun*, "Automatic cell rotation based on real-time detection and tracking," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7909-7916, 2021. (SCI,中科院2区) [7] Y. Liu, X. Wang, Q. Zhao, X. Zhao, and M. Sun*, "Robotic Batch Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Based on Microfluidic Groove," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2097-2106, 2020. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊) [6] Y. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao, "Deep-Learning-Based Polar-Body Detection for Automatic Cell Manipulation," Micromachines, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 120, 2019. (SCI,中科院3区) [5] C. Zhao, Y. Liu, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao, "Robotic Cell Rotation Based on Optimal Poking Direction," Micromachines, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 141, 2018. (SCI,中科院3区) [4] D. Chen, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao, "Oocytes Polar Body Detection for Automatic Enucleation," Micromachine, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 27, 2016. (SCI,中科院3区) [3] M. Sun and X. Zhao, "Multi-bit binary decoder based on Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction," Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 138, no. 10, p. 114106, 2013. (SCI,中科院2区) [2] 孙明竹,赵新,卢桂章,基于离焦的微操作机器人系统光轴方向深度测量,物理学报,58(9):6248-6257, 2009. [1] 赵新, 孙明竹, 卢桂章, 余斌, 基于显微图像处理的微操作工具深度信息提取方法, 自动化学报, 33(9): 917-923, 2007. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Selected Conference Publications
[8] H. Gong, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, Q. Zhao, X. Zhao, and M. Sun*, "Automatic Cell Rotation Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.
[7] Z. Wang, H. Gong, K. Li, B. Yang, Y. Du, Y. Liu, X. Zhao and M. Sun* "Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Localization for Cell Manipulation Based on Deep Learning," presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, 23-27 October, 2022. [6] T. Li, X. Wang, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao. "Design and Implementation of the Three-Dimensional Observation System for Adult Zebrafish". International Conference on Computer Vision Systems. Springer, Cham, 2017: 553-563. [5] X. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Li, M. Cui, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao, "Automated cell transportation for batch-cell manipulation," presented at the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2017. [4] X. Wang, N. Li, Y. Liu, M. Sun*, and X. Zhao, "Pipelined Batch-operation Process of Nuclear Transplantation Based on Micro-Manipulation System," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO), Qingdao, China, 2016. [3] H. Cong, M. Sun*, D. Zhou, and X. Zhao, "Multi-target Tracking of Zebrafish based on Particle Filter," presented at the The 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chengdu, China, 2016. [2] M. Sun, B. Wang, Y. Qin, and X. Zhao*, "Illumination system design and implementation in zebrafish behavior observation system," presented at the The 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER), Shenyang, China, 2015. [1] J. Guo, S. Zhao, M. Shu, Z. Yan, M. Sun*, X. Zhao, et al., "Trajectory tracking of spasm-oriented zebrafish larvae," presented at the The 33rd Chinese Control Conference(CCC), Nanjin, China, 2014. |