
2024年03月19日 16:42  点击:[]


姓名: 甘叠


所属部门: 机器人与信息自动化研究所


职称: 副教授

学历: 博士

所学专业: 系统理论


电子邮件: gandie@nankai.edu.cn

研究方向: 多智能体协同,机器学习,系统辨识,隐私保护



2013/09-2017/07  山东大学(数学学院华罗庚班)  数学与应用数学  学士

2017/09-2022/07  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院   系统理论   博士


2022/07-2024/08  中关村国家实验室  控制科学与工程   博士后 

2024/08-至今    南开大学人工智能学院


  • 多智能体协同、分布式自适应估计

  • 机器学习、稀疏优化理论

  • 隐私保护及其相关计算

  • 具身智能机器人

  • AI+交叉学科




  1. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目(省部级), 2024/10-2026/09,主持

  2. 中国博士后科学基金站中特别资助项目(国家级), 2023/07-2024/07,主持

  3. 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助项目(国家级),2022/12-2024/07,主持

  4. 复杂系统研究生基金(省部级),2021/01-2022/06,主持


  1. 甘叠, 刘志新, 吕金虎. 一种分布式自适应协同跟踪定位方法,2023.8,发明专利,ZL202310581146.9

  2. 甘叠, 陈书凝, 吕金虎, 陶冶. 一种分布式压缩感知稀疏时变信道估计方法, 2023.11, 发明专利, ZL202311566816.6

  3. 陶冶, 吕金虎, 谭少林, 甘叠. 一种安全鲁棒的室内行人轨迹跟踪方法和系统,2024.2,发明专利,ZL202410038094.5


  1. 2023年北京数学会首届青年优秀论文奖

  2. 2022年北京市优秀毕业生(博士)

  3. 2021年第五届系统科学大会最佳张贴论文奖

  4. 2020年博士生国家奖学金


  • 刊论文(*代表通讯作者)

  1. D. Gan, S. Xie, Z. Liu, J. Lv, Stability of FFLS-based diffusion adaptive filter under cooperative excitation condition, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(11):7479-7492, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  2. D. Gan, Z. Liu,  Distributed sparse identification for stochastic dynamic systems under cooperative non-persistent excitation condition, Automatica, 151:110958, 2023. (JCR Q1)

  3. D. Gan, R. Yan, S. Chen, Z. Liu, Distributed extended SG algorithm for joint identification of system parameters and noise model parameters, 63(1): 650-675, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2025. (JCR Q1)

  4. D. Gan, Z. Liu, Distributed order estimation of ARX model under cooperative excitation condition, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 60(3): 1519-1545, 2022. (JCR Q1)

  5. D. Gan, Z. Liu, Convergence of the distributed SG algorithm under cooperative excitation condition, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System, 35(5):7087-7101, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  6. D. Gan, S. Xie, Z. Liu, Stability of the distributed Kalman filter using general random coefficients, Science China Information Sciences, 64: 172204, 2021. (JCR Q1)

  7. D. Gan, Z. Liu, Performance analysis of the compressed distributed least squares algorithm, Systems & Control Letters, 164: 105228, 2022. 

  8. S. Xie, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, D. Gan*, Compressed least squares algorithm of continuous-time linear stochastic regression model using sampling data, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 37(4):1488-1506, 2024.  (JCR Q1) 

  9. S. Xie, D. Gan*, Z. Liu, Stability analysis of distributed Kalman filtering algorithm for stochastic regression model, Accepted by Control Theory and Technology, December, 2024.

  10. S. Xie, D. Gan*, Z. Liu, Two-layer diffusion adaptive filters over directed Markovian switching networks, IEEE Control Systems Letters (with IEEE ACC 2024), 7: 3501-3506, 2023. 

  11. R. Li, D. Gan, S. Xie, H. Gu, J. Lv, Analysis of the compressed distributed Kalman filter over Markovian switching topology,  IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2024.3507275, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  12. R. Li, D. Gan, S. Xie, J. Lv, Stability and performance analysis of the compressed Kalman filter algorithm for sparse stochastic systems, Science China Technological Sciences, 67(2): 380-394, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  13. R., D. Gan, H. Gu, J. Lv, Distributed state estimation for sparse stochastic systems based on compressed sensing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 71(8):3840-3844, 2024.

  14. X. Zhu, D. Gan, Z. Liu, Performance analysis of least squares of continuous-time model based on sampling data, IEEE Control Systems Letters (with IEEE CDC 2022), 6: 3086-3091, 2022.

  15. X. Zhu, D. Gan, Z. Liu, Distributed least squares algorithm of continuous-time stochastic regression model based on sampled data, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 37(2):609-628, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  16. R. Li, G. Chen, D. Gan, H. Gu, J. Lv, Stackelberg and Nash equilibrium computation in non-convex leader-follower network aggregative games, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 71(2):898-909, 2024. (JCR Q1)

  17. 王芳,甘叠,刘念,认罪认罚量刑从宽实效研究——基于故意伤害罪轻罪的数据解读山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2022年第3期,65-77.(中文核心)

  18. S. Xie, R. Li, D. Gan*, Distributed extended least squares algorithm over directed graphs, Automatica, 2025. (under review) (JCR Q1)

  19. S. Chen, D. Gan, S. Xie, J. Lv, Distributed sparse adaptive estimation over Markov switching topologies, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2024.  (under 2nd review) (JCR Q1)

  20. S. Chen#, D. Gan#, S. Xie, J. Lv, Privacy-preserving distributed adaptive estimation for non-stationary regression data, Systems & Control Letters, 2025.  (under review)

  21. S. Xie, Y. Xu, R. Lin, D. Gan, S. Luo, Collaborative spectum sensing based on distributed adaptive filtering, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2025.  (under review) (JCR Q1) 

  • 会议论文(*代表通讯作者)

  1. D. Gan, Z. Liu, On the stability of Kalman filter with random coefficients, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2):2397-2402, 2020. 

  2. D. Gan, Z. Liu, Strong consistency of the distributed stochastic gradient algorithm, Proceedings of IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, pp. 5082-5087, 2019.

  3. S. Chen, D. Gan*, K. Liu, J. Lv, Stability of compressed recursive least squares with forgetting factor algorithm, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2):10240-10245, 2023.

  4. S. Chen, D. Gan*, S. Xie, J. Lv, Tracking bound of compressed distributed recursive least squares with forgetting factor,  Proceedings of the 14th Asian Control Conference, China, Dalian, pp. 2434-2439, 2024.

  5. D. Gan, R. Li, Logarithmic regret bound for distributed adaptive sparse estimation without excitation condition, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Control Systems, 2025. (under review)

  6. D. Gan, Y. Xu, S. Xie, Distributed adaptive identification for stochastic large models with infinite unknown parameters, Proceedings of the 44th Chinese Control Conference, 2025. (under review)




